Autism: Let’s not forget the parents!

Engels | 05-01-2024 | 160 pagina's


Paperback / softback

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In 'Autism: Let’s not forget the parents!', parents of children with autism recount their experiences. In their stories, they are open and honest regarding how the diagnosis of “autism” affects them and their (sometimes difficult) search to find the best help for their child. Also discussed is how Raeger’s care impacts their child’s development. In addition, parents share what they see moving forward for their child with autism and the culmination of care after Raeger. The stories of experience in this book help to show other parents of children with autism that they are not alone in their search as they struggle to find placement and the perfect fit for their child regarding schooling, treatment, and care. The insight provided through the personal stories give hope and encouragement, with a look at an international community of parents facing the same challenges. People who have little or no exposure to autism will gain insight into what it is like to live with children with autism, increasing understanding about this developmental disorder. 'Autism: Let’s not forget the parents!' is a serious contribution to the conversation about (dealing with) autism, with an engaging tone and unique insight. Peggy-Ann Clarck holds the position of president at Raeger. In 2012, she experienced a strong sense of vocation towards this ministry. Due to herdetermination, devotion, and diligent efforts, Raeger has experienced significant growth in her business. In 2011, she had only four clients, whereas in 2023, she has successfully expanded her client base to two hundred and seventy. Similarly, her business has expanded from a single location to nine, and her workforce has grown from eight employees to one hundred and eighty. Peggy-Ann is a specialist in public administration. She pursued her education at Erasmus University and held two consecutive terms as a city council member in Zoetermeer. Years ago, she was motivated to create this book. Peggy-Ann is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Public Administration program at Capella University with the intention of graduating by 2025.


In 2012 startte Peggy-Ann Clarck haar carrière bij Raeger als directeur/bestuurder. Raeger is een behandel- en begeleidingscentrum in Amsterdam voor kinderen van 18 maanden tot18 jaar binnen het spectrum autisme. Dit centrum begon als een particulier initiatief van twee ouders met een kind met autisme. De doelstelling van Raeger is om de kinderen door te laten stromen in een vorm van onderwijs. Een gestructureerde aanpak gericht op een vertaling van een zorgplan naar dagactiviteiten moet dit mogelijk maken. Wij werken ABA. Daarnaast beschikken wij binnenkort over een ingerichte time-out- en snoezelkamer. Deze instrumenten zijn effectief waar het gaat om prikkelverwerking. Onder leiding van Peggy-Ann is Raeger van vier cliënten in 2011 naar 187 in 2021 gegaan en van één locatie naar acht locaties en van acht medewerkers naar 150.


1. Introduction 9 2. The First Ten Years of Parenting Went Pretty Well 17 3. The First Signs 25 4. The Diagnosis and Beyond 39 5. In Search of the Best for Your Child 55 6. Steps: Small Wonders 71 7. Lots of Trouble Finding the Right Place 89 8. Living with Your Child with Autism 95 9. Understanding and Misunderstanding From Others 115 10. Future Perspective 127 11. Afterword 145 Well-Known People with Autism 156 Thank You 159


EAN :9789085603139
Uitgever :SWP, Uitgeverij B.V.
Publicatie datum :  05-01-2024
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Hoogte :242 mm
Breedte :171 mm
Dikte :12 mm
Gewicht :312 gr
Status : Bestelbaar
Aantal pagina's :160